Friday, November 19, 2010

I'm back! And Idol...

So, sorry if you thought this was going to be a real update about me. That's on my to do list, but I'm not there yet. Right now I'm helping Jared out:

He just got his American Idol book accepted by a publishing company! They're scheduled to publish it in just a couple of months so that doesn't give him a ton of time to get the word out about it. He has a personal goal of getting it on the New York Times best sellers list, so I want to help him out. The book is called "Your All-Access Pass To American Idol" and is a must have for any American Idol fan. (It has stuff about "Where are they now" and how well their albums did, tips on trying out yourself/how to change up a song/what songs you have to choose from, interesting stats on the type of people that win, an analysis on Simon's wardrobe, and a ton more!) But even if you're not a fan yourself, can you please help us spread the word to those who are? Just check out his site to find out how to help. He's having a contest for those that help him get the word out, you could win a free copy of the book or an iPad! (Details are on his site.) The book,at this point, is scheduled to be in stores in February 2011, but if you enter your email on his site (top right corner) we'll keep you updated, plus you'll get at least one free chapter of the book emailed to you to "test drive".
Feel free to email to email this to anyone you think
might be interested, or blog about his site, or do a Facebook status update. Whatever you think will help. Thanks for the


Shelley Brown said...

Way to go Jared!!!!!!!! A game, and a book all in the same year! Way to reach for the stars!!

Jeff Brown said...

So happy for you man, must feel great!

Lindsay said...

OHMYGOSH. I was so excited.


I owe you a message!

Chris and Christy said...

Hey you! Thanks for your nice comments :) if you ever ever wanna talk about adoption or whatever, just let me know! Talking to other couples about it totally helped chris and I :)

Allie said...

Hey whats goin' on? I live far away now so you need to actually update your blog so I can see what you've been up to!

Heather McMullin said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me that sweet message. You are on my reader so when you do up date your blog I always read it. I am slowly getting better, but as someone said, "It is like watching grass grow." I just have to be patient with my self.

Hugs and Love!

would you put a link to my recipe blog on your blog roll. I would really love it.
If you go to the blog you can get the html for the cute button.
