Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Goodbye Grandma Sycamore's Bread

I have a very specific routine I follow at the grocery store. I make a list. I stick to it. And I'm quick about it. But what do you do when your plan falls apart?

Last Sarurday Vo and I walked into Smith's, grabbed our shopping cart and headed for the bread aisle. But when we got there, our beloved Grandma Sycamore's was nowhere to be found. They weren't sold out (oh, no; I tripple-checked). They just don't sell it anymore!

I've never been so upset in a grocery store. This isn't Allen's; this is Smith's we're talking about.

And another thing...I'm sick of these companies who think they can just slap Grandma ______ (you fill in the blank) on their label, and that makes it the same thing. There's only one Grandma; and that's Sycamore.

Anyway, we need a new bread. Any suggestions?


Christine said...

Don't waste your time with other kinds of bread! I've tried, and they just don't compare! We use bread so much that I buy the 2 pack of it from Costco.

Anonymous said...

I love Grandma Sycamore too!! It's an outrage!
